What Feels Like Love?

Happiness in perimenopause causes weight loss
In midlife, weight loss requires out-of-the-box thinking to get to your goals.

You can read January’s previous ideas I wrote about here, here, and here

In my experience, ONE question can be an excellent guide for all decision-making.

Using this question routinely changes your mindset, self-talk, and health.

It’s this. 

“What feels most like love to my body?”

I first learned this way of thinking when I did my Master Coach training in Susan Hyatt’s BARE program. BARE helps you learn how to prioritize your health and create more time for pleasure, rest, and self-care. The result is creating a new relationship with your body, food, and movement….and weight loss.. when your body finally learns to relax. “What feels most like love?”, can be applied to any aspect of your life.

Here are a few situations to get you thinking. Would you rather:
  • Scarfing the pint of Ben and Jerry’s at midnight or figuring out what you’re REALLY hungry for?
  • Movement…does love today feel like a 5-mile run or gentle yoga?
  • Becoming intentional about what you’re allowing into your brain…the evening news or an inspirational book?
  • The type of friends you hang with….Negative Nellies or like-minded ladies who are living their best lives?
  • Three glasses of wine or a good night’s sleep?
  • Stuffing food while standing at the kitchen counter or sitting down with candles and music?
  • Moaning and complaining through perimenopause or deciding to take action and get help?

I think you get the picture.

Finding Joy and Happiness in Perimenopause & Beyond

Perimenopause - Happiness - Weight LossSo many women (especially those in perimenopause and menopause) never stop to consider what THEY want and what makes them happy. Every iota of joy and pleasure has been sapped from their lives, and daily living more or less becomes an exercise in survival. And this doesn’t make for a happy heart or feel at all like love. It is soul-sucking. Joy is an essential part of vibrant health; we all deserve it.

When you choose love, again and again, as often as you can, you’ll create a new way of treating yourself. And when you fill your well with this kind of goodness, you have even more to give to others. Not to mention that you become incredibly HAPPY. 

This week, try giving your brain a break. Lead with your heart and tune into what your body is telling you.

Choose love!

Dr. Anna Garrett is a menopause expert and Doctor of Pharmacy. She helps women who are struggling with symptoms of perimenopause and menopause find natural hormone balancing solutions so they can rock their mojo through midlife and beyond. Dr. Anna is the author of Perimenopause: The Savvy Sister’s Guide to Hormone Harmony. Order your copy at www.perimenopausebook.com.

Also, she offers a membership group, Hormone Harmony with Dr. Anna Garrett, which provides women in midlife with affordable expert guidance and community support.

Dr. Anna is available for 1-1 consultation. Find out more at www.drannagarrett.com/lets-talk

Get Chapter 1 of Dr. Anna’s Book—Free!

Perimenopause: The Savvy Sister’s Guide to Hormone Harmony

This book gives you the tools you need to navigate this transition without losing your mind or your mojo.

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