You don't have to suffer your way through perimenopause.

Whether you’re feeling tired or anxious, having mood swings or gaining weight, you CAN feel better and we’ll show you how. 

Have you heard the myth?

People (even your doctor!) will tell you that you just have to suck it up in perimenopause because there’s nothing you can do to make things better.

The myth tells you that:

  • fatigue is your new normal;
  • anxiety is your new best friend;
  • your kids will be living on edge until they go to college because of your mood swings (remember what YOUR mom was like)? 

And let’s not even talk about having to suffer through weight gain and a lower sex drive!

You may have tried a lot of things thanks to ‘Dr. Google’ and ended up standing in the Whole Foods aisle adding things to your basket hoping that you grabbed ‘the magic pill’ to fix you (spoiler alert: there’s not one).

As a Doctor of Pharmacy for over 30 years, Applied Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, Master BARE Certified Coach, I can tell you, there is help available even if you feel like Mother Nature has hijacked your body!

No matter what you’ve been told, there IS a way to get the help you need.

So, if you’re ready to feel at home in your skin again…

Then get ready, because you’ve found your new home and a team of experts to guide you back to feeling like your old self again.

No matter how long you've experienced symptoms it is possible for you to go through perimenopause and...

Imagine how much better you'll feel when you're getting correct information that helps relieve your symptoms quickly.

Yes, you can have answers from a real professional who understands women’s health and has helped 1,000’s of women just like you feel like themselves again in midlife.

It isn’t a myth, it’s reality. 

Are you ready to join the ranks with these thousands of women who’ve gotten their lives (and sanity back)?
Perimenopause Support Become a Savvy Susan

Introducing Hormone Harmony with Dr. Anna Garrett

This is a community for midlife women who want to feel amazing!

I created this community because you deserve to have answers to your health issues. You should be spending your time enjoying your life, not searching Dr. Google for answers and wishing you had the energy to play with your kids or go see your friends. 
Our team of pharmacists and other experts will dig into hormones, gut health, bone health, heart health… everything you need to feel amazing again and rock your mojo!

Hormone Harmony Wins

“It was absolutely illuminating to learn what, when and why my body has been a mess for years. I am now on a new, informed path and feeling more like myself day by day. The testing, money and energy put into this process is worth everything.”

Michelle T.

Here are the symptoms we'll help you heal in this community

Savvy Sisterhood Community: tools for perimenopause


  • Monthly Ask Anything calls with Dr. Anna… it’s the only way to pick my brain without working as a private client.
  • Exclusive access to a library of recorded calls… you’ll have access to every expert call Dr. Anna has recorded.
  • Private Facebook group to connect with your Savvy Sisters… it takes a village.
  • Book club discussions, challenges, and community... because girls just wanna have fun!
  • Access to my 10-modulHormone Harmony course

You can also add:

Join the Hormone Harmony Membership 
& Start Feeling Better!


Savvy Sisterhood Perimenopause Support

Hormone Harmony Course

here's All of Content You will REceive Access to:

  1. Meet the Orchestra
  2. Tuning Your Mindset
  3. Soothing Stress
  4. Strategies for Habit Change
  5. Sweet, Soothing Sleep
  6. Detoxing Your Environment
  7. Nourish Your Hormones
  8. Intuitive Eating
  9. Beyond Ovaries & Adrenals
  10. Writing Your Own Plan for Hormone Harmony

This 10-module course is designed to provide you with strong foundation of knowledge about perimenopause and give you actionable steps you can take to feel better NOW!

You'll Learn about these topics and more...

Soothing Stress. We’ll take a closer look at stress hormones, how stress affects the body, and build a toolkit of strategies to beat stress.

Sleep. We’ll identify sleep disruptors and discuss what you can do to get the best sleep of your life.

Detox. Our world is filled with chemicals that act like hormones. A fun scavenger hunt in your home will help you clean things up!


Nutrition. Food is a major player in feeling your best. We’ll discuss not only how to fuel your body in a way that nourishes your hormones, but also feels right for you.

Hormones! Of course! All throughout this course you’ll learn about the hormones in your body, how they’re interacting with your everyday life, and how you can support them through your daily activities.

Why join a community?

Perimenopause is a  moving target. Your hormones change, so your tools may change. We can help you be adaptable over time..without dread and fear. 100% of women will experience menopause if they live long enough. Why not do it with calm and ease? 

Dr. Anna Garrett - Midlife Hormone Expert

Meet Your Guide, Dr. Anna Garrett

With over 30 years of experience as a Pharmacist, a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, and an Applied Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, with additional studies through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, combined with my coaching skills as a Master BARE Certified Coach, I’m excited to use my knowledge, skills, and expertise to help you build positive new lifestyle habits, and stick to your new habits joyfully and consistently.
When it comes to perimenopause, I (literally) wrote the book on this topic: Perimenopause: The Savvy Sisters Guide to Hormone Harmony.
The Hormone Harmony Group is the culmination of my life’s work and all of the expertise I have learned while helping 1,000s of women in perimenopause just like you! So, I can’t wait for you to join me on this new journey as 100 women take their first step towards hormone harmony.

“I love being in Dr. Anna’s inner online circle. I love the information she shares as a functional medicine practitioner. I love the inspiration she shares in our Facebook group, the quotes, the weekly challenges, the newsworthy posts. I love the self-discovery it fosters.”

Susan M.

Dr. Anna Garrett Hormone Harmony Testimonial

Join the Hormone Harmony Community Today!

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