October is Menopause Awareness Month!

Menopause Month

Menopause Awareness Month

Approximately 6,000 women in the United States enter the twisting turning journey called menopause each day. And most of them have no idea what to expect.

So many questions. 

So much confusion. 

So much fear. 

So much needless suffering.

The mission of my work is to provide valuable information and take the mystery out of menopause (and perimenopause). I know for sure that knowledge is power and the land of confusion is not a fun place to be! We owe it to ourselves to learn to be our own healthcare advocates and to take greater responsibility for managing our health, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

There is an overwhelming amount of information and conflicting data surrounding the efficacy and safety of treatments for menopause symptoms. A couple of years ago, a woman let me have a cyber-earful for what she perceived as my promotion of a therapeutic option (progesterone) that she believes causes cancer. This woman is an OB-GYN nurse and a breast cancer survivor and even she is clearly confused about the data and the facts. 

As a healthcare provider, this woman is out there sharing information with patients that is just wrong. The exchange I had with her clearly illustrates the need for getting the facts straight! There is not ONE shred of evidence to support that progesterone has anything to do with cancer. Conversely, it’s been shown to have a protective effect. This is just ONE of the many myths that are circulating that cause fear and angst. You can read more about the facts on progesterone here.  

We all need to become savvier consumers to know what benefits (or harms) us, and how we can achieve optimal health before, during, and after menopause. In the spirit of education and advocacy, I’ve listed a few recommended resources below to add to your toolbox. 

Remember, YOU know your body better than anyone and you are your own best advocate when it comes to making healthcare choices. Make it your business to learn all you can about your body, how it works and what your options are when it comes to managing menopause.

And remember, you are NOT alone.

And if you need help, please feel free to reach out to me. I am happy to answer questions! If you’d like to dig deeper, my team and I offer hormone testing and balancing using an approach that’s based in lifestyle, supplements and mindset work instead of pharmaceuticals. 

Here are some resources I trust that I’d like to share with you.

Menopause and Perimenopause-Related Resources

Dr. Anna Garrett: my blog, resources and products for women who want help and support through their menopause journey. It’s all about maximizing your mojo! Remember, suffering is optional, ladies! Let’s talk.

The North American Menopause Society: (NAMS): While I don’t always agree with NAMS’ official positions on menopause and menopause treatment, it is an excellent site for general information on menopause.  If you’re into research (like me), there are always links to academic publications and recent research on the site.

WebMD Menopause Center: One of my all-around go-to sites for everything health.  Their menopause center provides good, solid, unvarnished medical information on menopause. 

Menopause Forums

Hormone Harmony Club: this is my free, private Facebook group for women who want to chat about menopause and all the mind, body and spirit issues it brings up. All are welcome!

Hormone Harmony with Dr. Anna Garrett; this is my paid inner circle membership group. It includes much more interaction with me, monthly Q&A calls, expert Deep-Dive calls, access to my Hormone Harmony course, and discounts on 1-1 work with me. 


I’m happy to report that since I wrote the original version of this blog, many more books have been published about hormones and menopause.

Here are just a few I like:

You’re in charge of your health 24/7 and you will always be your own best advocate. You owe it to yourself to get educated and find resources you trust.

Dr. Anna Garrett is a menopause expert and Doctor of Pharmacy. She helps women who are struggling with symptoms of perimenopause and menopause find natural hormone-balancing solutions so they can rock their mojo through midlife and beyond. Dr. Anna is the author of Perimenopause: The Savvy Sister’s Guide to Hormone Harmony. Order your copy at www.perimenopausebook.com.

Dr. Anna is available for 1-1 consultation. Find out more at www.drannagarrett.com/lets-talk.

Get Chapter 1 of Dr. Anna’s Book—Free!

Perimenopause: The Savvy Sister’s Guide to Hormone Harmony

This book gives you the tools you need to navigate this transition without losing your mind or your mojo.

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