What You Need to Know About DUTCH Testing

Perimenopause (and menopause) can be challenging for many women. Most of the women I speak with in consultations have multiple symptoms and are desperately looking for answers. Their doctors may have refused to perform hormone testing, dismissed their concerns or offered antidepressants and/or birth control as Band-Aids for their complaints. At best, blood tests may be done that don’t show the true picture of what is going on with the balance of ALL of the hormones and metabolites and clients are left feeling as anxious and ill-informed as they were before their doctor visit.

The DUTCH test uses dried urine (4-5 samples during the day) to quantify the levels of sex hormones, cortisol, melatonin, organic acid markers for Vitamins B6 and B12 and glutathione as well as markers of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine). Estrogen dominance can be identified. But the real beauty of the test is that it also gives an in-depth look at the pathways that create metabolites of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and cortisol. Knowing this information opens up many options to manipulate the pathways and create more desirable outcomes for my clients.

Why test hormones?

Hormones are present in minuscule quantities in the blood. But even with these small levels, they are extremely powerful and impact EVERY body system. Many physicians will tell their patients that hormone testing is “useless” because hormone levels change constantly. They do vary, but it is still possible to see the magnitude of imbalances that exist and whether or not there are problem metabolites that need to be addressed. Testing also allows the healthcare provider to target the therapeutic approach that is likely to get the client the best outcomes as quickly as possible. No more standing in the aisles at the health food store wondering what might help!

More reasons to love DUTCH!

Beyond the information DUTCH testing provides on sex hormone and cortisol levels, there are even more reasons to love it.

  1. It’s done in the privacy of your own home and is non-invasive. You collect urine samples, dip filter paper into them and let the paper dry. That’s it! Easy-peasy.
  2. While it’s not a thyroid test, it gives clues into thyroid health and under or overdosing on thyroid medications
  3. It gives clues about methylation status. Methylation is one of the processes the body uses to eliminate estrogen. If methylation is poor on the test, it may warrant a look into genetics to see if there are problems gene SNPs that are causing symptoms.
  4. It sorts out the truth of whether or not you have adrenal fatigue. A number of clients suspect they may have “adrenal fatigue” when what they really have is low free cortisol along with high metabolized cortisol. They are making PLENTY of cortisol, it just doesn’t stick around long enough to do its job. The strategy for managing this is very different than the management of overall low cortisol production.
  5. It tells you whether you have healthy estrogen metabolites (or not) and whether you are eliminating estrogen appropriately through liver processes. Estrogen metabolites, if recirculated, can increase breast cancer risk because they cause DNA damage. The DUTCH test provides a breakdown of the 3 metabolites and allows us to manipulate the pathways if needed.
  6. Organic acid tests for B12, B6, and glutathione allow us to identify possible deficiencies that may be keeping your cellular processes from functioning optimally.

As my practice has evolved, so have testing methods. The DUTCH test is far and away the most sophisticated testing method that is currently available. It allows me to design elegant management plans for my clients so they can get back to the business of living instead of trying to manage their perimenopause/menopause symptoms.

[bctt tweet=”DUTCH is an easy at-home test to do that helps create a plan of action for clients. #hormoneimbalance #DUTCHtest #estrogendominance #adrenalfatigue #cortisol #hormonetesting #hormonemetabolites #DrAnnaGarrett #AnnaGarrettAsheville” username=”DrAnnaGarrett”]

You can find details of my services that include the DUTCH test here. If you’re interested in exploring the DUTCH test for yourself, please contact me at dranna@dranna.com.

P.S. I’m in the process of doing my own DUTCH test and will be sharing the results on Facebook Live when I get them. Here’s a video I made that walks through the initial step of the DUTCH test.

Dr. Anna Garrett is a menopause expert and Doctor of Pharmacy. She helps women who are struggling with symptoms of perimenopause and menopause find natural hormone balancing solutions so they can rock their mojo through midlife and beyond. Her clients would tell you that her real gift is helping them reclaim parts of themselves they thought were gone forever.

Find out more about working with her at https://www.drannagarrett.com/work-with-me/  or click on the button below to start your journey to hormone harmony today!

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Perimenopause: The Savvy Sister’s Guide to Hormone Harmony

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